Quiz: Quiz: Fundamentals of Effective Communication Skills

Quiz: Quiz: Fundamentals of Effective Communication Skills

A. Multiple Choice Questions
B. Respond by True or False
- Before answering, you must read and understand all the resources provided about this course
- Only 5 online attempts will be considered
- Read carefully each question and its instruction if applicable

1. Select the best answer: taking example from our real life, and for improving our day-to-day communication skills, we should feel sad when the person with whom we are talking expresses sadness, and be joyful when he / she expresses joy. In the above-mentioned situation:
2. Understanding and applying the concepts of effective communication is one of the best ways to improve the health and social care services. The following related statements are correct, except one. Which one?
3. When discussing about care with service users, the main aim is to provide accurate information to help them understand a subject. If it happens to you, and you don’t have the information at hand, find out the answer first and let them know as soon as possible. In this context, you are applying:
4. Choose the best answer in relation to “Keeping eye contact” while communicating.
5. Communication is considered to be effective, if the message is transferred from one person to another person through the easiest channel from the side of sender, and the message is received by the receiver.
6. Effective communication is essentially needed between the patient (and/or family members) and care workers. In case the communication is not effective among care workers, it does not matter, they can have individual work.
7. Facial expressions and body language can communicate a wide range of emotions without the need to speak.
8. Health and social workers play unique important role in health care settings and in community. They intervene as care givers for service users.
9. Interrupting someone when he or she is speaking can create the impression that what you have to say is more valuable.
10. Using an ineffective communication method in care services may prolong a resident’s treatment and waste precious time and resources.