This course is designed to improve the well-being and experience of people with dementia and their caregivers. Learners will develop a comprehensive understanding of dementia and its impacts. It emphasises the key information and abilities required to support and enable people living with dementia. This course will consist of three units and run for three months.
Health workforce shortages are a global problem. The evidence-based practise revealed that the quality of care is directly related to the number and educational background of health professionals, including nurses. This requires the involvement of higher learning institutions. It is in this context that AHRO University has developed the programme targeting nurse assistants for upgrading their knowledge and skills to the level of an Advanced Diploma in General Nursing to respond to the needs of health care services around the world.
In addition, a 6-month intensive program of nursing and midwifery skill development was designed by AHRO University with the aim of developing the well-educated and highly skilled professional nurses and midwives to support the world healthcare system and continues to assist in addressing the human resource needs of world’s health services.
The complexities around the expected roles of nurses have made it imperative to design and develop a suitable curriculum to meet the demands of service users at different levels within the health care settings.
By training professionals with good decision-making and critical thinking abilities, this programme will be a response to the realities of modern-day developments in the health care system.
Any of the following: Registered Nurses (RNs), Medical Graduates, Pharmacists, Medical Technicians, Administrators of Healthcare Organizations, Human Resources personnel, and public servants; and all individuals responsible for the implementation of risk management plans.
UNIT 1: Overview of the Nature and impact of Dementia 1.1. Definition of terms 1.2. Key facts related to dementia care 1.3. Indications of palliative care 1.4. Main objectives of dementia care 1.5. General principles of dementia care |
UNIT 2: The Experience of Providing Dementia Care 2.1. General care of persons with dementia 2.2. Care specific to different stages of dementia 2.3. Different roles of health and non-health care personnel in dementia care 2.4. The impact of providing dementia care on the Carer/ support worker |
UNIT 3: Evidence Based Practice in the Management and Advance Care of Dementia 3.1. Explore the concept of Person-centred dementia care. 3.2. Different practical strategies for managing people at different stages of dementia. 3.3. Experiences of interacting with different multi-disciplinary team (MDT) in dementia care. 3.4. Experiences of interacting with family members of people with dementia. 3.4. Transforming dementia care in acute hospitals. |
Interactive lectures conducted online (virtual learning environment) and on-site, problem-solving and case-based approaches to learning. Course materials include lecture notes, PowerPoint presentation slides and other relevant materials applicable to the course/ module
The course will be assessed as follows:
Formative Assessment | 30% |
Summative Assessment | 60% |
Attendance | 10% |
Total | 100% |
Upon completion of the course, successful learners will be awarded with a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate, provided they have passed their formative assessment at 50% and summative assessments at 50%, with 90% attendance in all the course activities.
This course has 20 credits (204 hours of learning)
The fee for this course is £2150 for UK Resident and £3000 for International students with January and July intakes