About AHRO
Africa Health Research Organization (AHRO) was formed in 1997 after its founding director took part in 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban South Africa. The initial name of the organization was Africa Health Foundation but was changed to AHRO in order to fulfil its mission of promoting global health through research, publication, events, and training. It started was legally registered in UK in 2004 as a not-for –profit organization and in 2008, it moved its official headquarters to Ghana. In 2010, it introduced Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, a journal that was aimed at promoting the dissemination of quality scientific knowledge. In 2012, it introduced the event arm of the organization by initiating the International Malaria Symposium which was held in Accra, Ghana. It also introduced the now defunct London AIDS Conference which was substituted by the International HIV/AIDS Conference. It also runs the International TB Drug Conference. In 2019, the organization established the AHRO Scientific Publishing Ltd in Glasgow, Scotland which ultimately won the Scotland Specialist Publisher Company 2022/23. In 2022, it extended the AHRO platform to Scotland by establishing the AHRO-Scotland branch which had aimed at becoming one of the leading clinical research facilities in the world. However, based on recommendation, AHRO-Scotland was revamped to AHRO-UK with office in London, UK. Currently, the organization has offices across West Africa with Country Representatives. The organization coordinates the Global Health Public Health Thinkers, a group of experts who provide expertise input through publication and monthly lectures.

At AHRO, we aim to provide a conducive working environment where our staff enjoy working and feel a sense of belonging. Based on this, our guiding working culture includes:
- Equity: Staff members are treated with equity, which boosts the morale of every staff member. We do not tolerate partiality and favoritism because these can lead to staff resentment and distrust.
- Recognition: We recognize the efforts of our employees and individuals associated with the organization. We therefore reward staff for boasting their morals and encourage them to work on their talents
- Freedom of expression: We encourage staff to express their views which will result in staff feeling valued and respected. However, discipline should be maintained if our work culture is to be effective and beneficial to the organization
- Communication: Effective communication is vital for the growth of the organization. It is therefore highly essential that every worker can express their ideas, collaborate, receive feedback, and solve problems. It is the most effective way to promote teamwork
- Recruiting the right workers: Although competency and skills are important, we also consider behaviors, values, and traditions during our recruitment process. Any potential staff harboring the most minute form of racism would not be allowed to join us
AHRO believes that through these work cultures, the following would be achieved:
- Increased wellbeing of staff because staff will feel happy and satisfied. Healthy workplace culture will assist staff to feel valued and proud of their responsibilities
- Increased productivity as a thriving workplace culture influences the productivity of employees.
- Employee retention will be increased which will result in savings on costs and time since a pool of experience staff is available
- Reputation of the organization is increased as we support employees’ well-being and solid ethical practices will attract more business and talent
- Accountability: With a healthy workplace culture, employees are encouraged to be accountable for the role they perform. This means staff will view challenges as opportunities to learn rather than compete with each other